Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Assignment #3

1.  Daily Aesthetic Experience

I drive my car everyday.  I drive my car everywhere including class, the store, and to my apartment.  I grab my little key as I am rushing out of the door in a frantic hurry.  I quickly walk to my little car. On my way, I unlock my car so when I get to my car I quickly throw open my door, toss in my bookbag, purse, or whatever I have in my hands.  I listen to it clunk as it hits my side seat or the floorboard.  Then, I plop down in my car and shut my door with a bang.  As I turn my tiny, rectangular key in the ignition, I take in that distinct sweet, minty smell that my car has from the orbit gum that I always keep handy.  Then, I click in my seatbelt and find some country music on the radio so that I am ready to go.  Last, I put my car in reverse and turn around as I back up out of my parking spot. I brake when I am out of my parking spot and put the car in drive and off I go.

2. Nessum Dorma” by Pavarotti

While listening to “Nessum Dorma” by Pavarotti I began with a calm feeling that felt very soft and soothing.  The music began to get more aggressive and bring feelings of real love and emotion to the surface as the music speed up and go stronger and richer in sound.  The sound was whimsical and light to begin with and then the music began to get darker. The music suddenly changed towards the end and I began to try to make the picture appear darker in the mood by making the colors stronger and darker.

3. Establishing Shot
The establishing shot of a movie sets up the framework of the overall feel of the movie.  This is like the introductory shot that sets up a scene for the audience and its viewers. In the movie “Toy Story 3” sets up the action part of the movie where the toys are talking and acting out how it used to feel when Andy played with them.  The purpose is to set up the scene and this shot sets up the play feeling of the movie and reminds viewers of the first two movies.  The beginning of the movie brings back the old feelings.  The mood of the film is exciting and the establishing scene sets that up for the viewers of the film.  The establishing shot is very important because it helps establish mood and helps the viewers get an initial feeling of how the movie will be.  This shot does exactly that.  The movie is fun, exciting, and suspenseful all at the same time and all of those feelings are within the first establishing shot.  The overview of the shot also gives the viewer a chance to see the surroundings so that the viewer can get an idea of the setting.  In this case, it is a western setting out in the desert.

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